Its been a crazy week. I went to the first and last night of a new club in Brighton. I helped setup the place with Martha at the beginning of the month and then looked after a handful of coats in the cloakroom that night. The “owner”, Alex, had no clue what he was doing and managed to piss off both the clubbers and the staff before the end of its second attempt at a launch night on Friday 1st June (the previous team walked the week before).
I have never witness such a deluded, desperate and dishonest person in my entire life. He blatantly grabbed all the cash out of the bar registers and argued about how little money he was making in front of all the staff and at the bar in clear view of paying customers. As it was a new (well relaunched) club, it takes time to establish itself. Usually, it would take several months or even years to get a club going, yet he wanted it all on the first night of opening.
On the same morning, Martha withdrew her licence and the following night licencing came to forcibly close the venue (he tried to open it illegally). He convinced the DJs and doormen that it was business usual… well, for the first 30 minutes. Then, after that “amicable discussion with the authorities”, he proclaimed it was a “private party”.
Just to show he has true idiotic conman status: he has never paid any of the managers, promoters, bar staff, DJs, cleaners or even the brewery for the alcohol. If you want to run a con, at least get past the first night without getting yourself run out of town. Most Brighton knows about his escapades now. Using excuses like “I need insulin because I am diabetic” to get out of thousands of pounds of debt and stolen stock (i.e. unpaid stock with the heavies coming…). I wonder how things will turn out for him with lots of pissed off powerful people wanting their money back…
Anyway, this guy ran a new club into the ground faster than skydiver with lead shoes and no parachute. It is guaranteed that when this club reopens it will have a different name and Alex will be no where to be seen.
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