Design Extreme redesign

I would really like to create a new site design for Design Extreme that makes a better point of selling website design services, domains and hosting. At the moment, most of the search terms used to find the website have no relation to what happens there.

Design Extreme - site design

I feel that most of the text content is out of date, the design is inconsistent and there are not enough graphics. My original plan was to give the site to someone else to design, but nothing ever happened. The first splash page did look very effective, but it didn’t encourage people to enter the site itself.

John contacted me today about improving the visibility of the Global Crew Network website as there only a few people registering there at the moment. I suggested that the design was not aimed at potential crew and vessel owners, rather it misses the target hitting yacht buyers instead. There is a big difference between the small registration fee for a crew listing and buying an entire classic yacht.

Global Crew Network - Crew for tall ships and classic yachts

Once a website has been found on a search engine, visitors must be encouraged by the appearance of site before them. The graphic design must reflect the text within the page; the aim of the website must be very clear.

Anyway, back to Design Extreme – its up to me to get started on this big project and get more people interested in the site content. If anyone has any comments on this, please post them here. It would be nice to hear what your views are.

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