Just had a cool dream that was a mixture of the most recent Doctor Who, the Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe and the Stargate SG1 episode with that one way mirror portal.
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Just had a cool dream that was a mixture of the most recent Doctor Who, the Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe and the Stargate SG1 episode with that one way mirror portal.
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I received some more verbal diarrhoea in this issues Kemptown Rag. Quoted from the article submitted by Margot Bristow [Ma Fine Art] on 10th November 2006:
“This series of photographic images explores the concept of identity. Our identities are formed out of a subjective experience of the self, and the image that represents that self in the context we find ourselves.
In this work, 2D images are set in resin to create 3D objects. This interactive process is one which isolates an image of the self, both physically and aurally. As a deaf artist, I am exploring the effect of the absence of sound on our memories of people and place.
Through the process of setting the images in resin, the subjective identification of the individual is cut off from its source, leaving the resin objects standing as metaphors for the self. Washed up like pebbles on the beach, these fragments are cut off from sound, constrained; the identities having remade themselves in the process of re-membering and, through this, the memories have become fictitious. ”
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If you have received any Spam from a company in the UK, then report them to the Information Commissioner department. It is illegal to send bulk emails without opt-in in the UK, so spammers can be successfully prosecuted.
Continue reading Report UK spammers
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In response to a client forwarding me an email with the subject: Virus alert!!…
“It is bad form to send people notices about viruses. However bad the virus may be to someone else – it ain’t causing a problem for me or you.
These emails simply have a counter-productive role in combating antivirus. Some of these emails even contain the virus itself.
So, in the future delete such stupid emails (usually sent by idiots). They really don’t serve any purpose and may actually be harmful.”
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I have been on the phone to EV1 Servers this evening trying to work out why I could only connect to my server at 15 Kb/s on my 8 Mbit connection. They told me the that there was a problem somewhere in the first email, then a little later on they reported that everything was fine. I am a little worried that such a powerful server is being let down by a variable connection.
Continue reading My server downloads
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This week I successfully grabbed the domain name dahost.com for the hosting website and server already at dahost.net. At the beginning of the month someone tried to sell me their services to get the domain name as it expired, but I managed just fine using the Snapnames service.
Continue reading Getting domains
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I am continually receiving authorizations on my ICQ from two different users with a URL as their alias. I could ignore the user from the authorization window, but that would make no difference as there is a new ICQ number each time.
Continue reading Spamming on ICQ with authorizations
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Its strange how quickly Google lists this page. Within a few hours of writing something here – Google will have it up for everyone to see. This blog is getting more and more similar to a seminar about my work and life in general.
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This year was meant to see the start of a new blog, but I couldn’t decide upon a good platform on which to write this. On returning from Australia someone mentioned MovableType, a tool that I have previously installed for others, so here it is with its very own Nahoo subdomain.
Continue reading Retrospective for one month
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