Lydia and I are off to the final day at Reading Festival tomorrow. Everything is set, the water bottles for vodka, the seven tickets, plenty of batteries for Lydia’s camera…
There will be lots of photos, so stick around!
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Lydia and I are off to the final day at Reading Festival tomorrow. Everything is set, the water bottles for vodka, the seven tickets, plenty of batteries for Lydia’s camera…
There will be lots of photos, so stick around!
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After many Lydia-hours of programming the new Sudoku generators, new features and hours of testing – the new Sudoku websites are ready to go!
Continue reading Super Sudoku launch
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Leah come to visit for a few days at the start of the week. She seems to like it here as there are lots of shops, everyone seems relaxed and it seems more continental than other places.
On Wednesday we walked along the Palace Pier without going on any of the rides. I don’t often go to the pier as it is really tacky and there’s always bad music playing on the loud speakers and, above all, there are loads of tourists around.
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I’ve just finished making some blackberry jelly. I thought I would share the recipe as it worked for well for me.
Continue reading Blackberry jelly
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Before I start, this is not related to my previous entry in any way. While trying to sort out a broken hard drive, I downloaded a dodgy program that installed a virus (W32.Pinfi) that attached itself to the first few hundred .EXE files on the main drive.
Continue reading Virus scanner double act
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In response to a client forwarding me an email with the subject: Virus alert!!…
“It is bad form to send people notices about viruses. However bad the virus may be to someone else – it ain’t causing a problem for me or you.
These emails simply have a counter-productive role in combating antivirus. Some of these emails even contain the virus itself.
So, in the future delete such stupid emails (usually sent by idiots). They really don’t serve any purpose and may actually be harmful.”
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Yesterday, Lydia and I went up to Tori’s place for a birthday BBQ. Darien flew over from The Hague with his new girl friend and quite a few of Tori’s work colleagues were there already.
Some of Tori’s guests were surprised on how nice the food was (they hadn’t been before). I had a vodka with lemonade and then a Pimms, but it seemed to go to my head pretty quickly even though I already had quite a bit to eat.
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I was meant to be at the WOMAD festival in Reading today, but my Sunday ticket failed to arrive in the post this week. By the time I called the ticket office, they were already closed for the weekend. At least I’ll be going to another festival in August: Reading Festival.
I took a little time to update my photo gallery with some of the Manly Beach photos taken on my first day in Australia.
Continue reading Womad and Manly photos
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I have been on the phone to EV1 Servers this evening trying to work out why I could only connect to my server at 15 Kb/s on my 8 Mbit connection. They told me the that there was a problem somewhere in the first email, then a little later on they reported that everything was fine. I am a little worried that such a powerful server is being let down by a variable connection.
Continue reading My server downloads
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