Would you like to clone any website in cPanel? There is a pretty fool-proof way to clone a website and change the references to URLs, paths and database details. There isn’t one perfect catch-all method, but you can cover most bases using this short guide. Continue reading How to clone a website in cPanel
Category: Servers
WordPress Installer
This is my biggest bash script yet! It will fully install WordPress from a shell command and add a number of security measures to boot.
Continue reading WordPress Installer
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Installing Varnish Cache on a cPanel Server
I’ve recently added Varnish Cache to my server with cPanel installed. Varnish Caching is now installed server-wide. It acts as an invisible intermediary between clients and the server and delivers some major speed improvements, noticeably to Magento and Drupal websites.
The Varnish install script created by Shubham Mathur worked very well but it currently doesn’t consider additional IPs. Also, you’ll need something to amend the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
server variable to show the client’s IP address and not the server’s.
Continue reading Installing Varnish Cache on a cPanel Server
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Server White Listing for Clients
ConfigServer Firewall has been great at keeping unwanted users at bay on my web servers, but it also causes plenty of problems – notably when the SMTP authentication fails multiple times. This is usually caused by an email account trying to send an email and repeatedly using bad credentials to login. After a short period of time, CSF or cPHulk kicks in and blocks all communication with their website.
Managing this is a pain as there is no way (as far as I can tell) to allow clients to white list themselves when this happens. So, I’ve put up a page on a different server that handles requests for white listing.
Continue reading Server White Listing for Clients
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PHP Obfuscator
I’ve found a good obfuscation/encoder tool to hide the source code of PHP files from shell written by Prakhar Prasad.
This is a very useful tool if you want to prevent others from viewing and editing your PHP code. Continue reading PHP Obfuscator
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WordPress Server-wide Plugin Update
Created a new bash script to update all installations of WordPress server-wide (core, themes and plugins). It works a treat!
Continue reading WordPress Server-wide Plugin Update
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Bulk update scripts to PHP 5.4+
I’ve written a shell script to bulk update PHP pages, replacing ereg, eregi with preg_match, ereg_match with preg_match, split with preg_split and changing the $HTTP globals to their modern versions. I haven’t seen this anywhere else, so I’d thought I should post something here.
Continue reading Bulk update scripts to PHP 5.4+
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Useful SSH Scripts
I’ve just created/updated some useful Shell scripts on my UK server. One performs a mysqldump backup of a database and emails a compressed copy at regular intervals. The second script rotates transfer and error logs each month.
Continue reading Useful SSH Scripts
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Using SpamAssassin Headers on cPanel
Once SpamAssassin is enabled, you can easily set an Email Filter to clear out your spam…
Filter: Any Header that matches regex "X-Spam-Score: ([2][1-9]|[3-6][0-9])" Destination: "spam_holding_account@yourdomain" Filter: Any Header that matches regex "X-Spam-Score: ([7-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]{2,})" Destination: "Discard"
Unlike the other options shown in the email filtering, this actually does the job without freezing up. Using the score numbers (and not regex) fails when there are no SpamAssassin headers present in an email.
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Server provider threats
The owner of my server provider Webtapestry has sent me yet another email telling me how fortunate I am not to be paying more money with them. They use this as a get out clause for any problems with the service. Whenever I complain about an issue to do with any aspect of their service or any financial matters, I get the same gumph…
Continue reading Server provider threats
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