Design Extreme redesign

I would really like to create a new site design for Design Extreme that makes a better point of selling website design services, domains and hosting. At the moment, most of the search terms used to find the website have no relation to what happens there.

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Getting domains

This week I successfully grabbed the domain name for the hosting website and server already at At the beginning of the month someone tried to sell me their services to get the domain name as it expired, but I managed just fine using the Snapnames service.

Redroaster Mocha

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A tale of a slow host

In effort to get some good search engine listings for, I had a look at all the sites linking to it. Most of the links were from Konstantin’s blog (also hosted at Nahoo), others from some crappy link directories and one from a web hosting forum.

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Super Sudoku solver

Lydia is continuing work on the Sudoku solvers for a 9×9 and 16×16 Sudoku puzzles. I “greyed” out the login bit at the top of the page, but it still looks bad and out of place. I’ll go back to Photoshop and create a special area on the left menu to house the quick login box.

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